

Volnes, 02 Koaratos 5118

My Dearest Gaelira,

           I was delighted to receive your letter, along with your lovely gift, when the ships from home arrived here in Ta'Vaalor last week. Seeing those familiar black sails on the horizon lifted my spirits immeasurably. It must have cost you several favors to see that room was found for a personal gift in among the supplies, but I should not be surprised. You have always had a way with words and ears.
          I was notably less delighted to hear of Cyran's latest exploits. The Lady Almedha is a flighty finch of a woman so I would not expect this dalliance to last the season, but the poor boy will find himself under the Dowager Orilynn's gilt heel if he is not careful. Please impress upon my elder sister that it is her duty to help him navigate the perils of matchmaking. I would do so myself, but we both know how highly Cremia holds my advice. She has always been enraptured by you, however, so perhaps she will take it to heart.

        The linden trees must have long since blossomed there, and the sea breezes turned warm and pleasant. I think of them often, especially here. All that they say of the situation is Ta'Vaalor is true, I'm afraid. It remains beyond the depths of winter here, even at the beginning of Koaratos. It is even more unnatural as that, as it's the sort of winter that the fortress has never seen. It snows endlessly, and the cold is bitter and relentless. I am proud that House Nalfein has risen to aid our cousins here, when they are in such dire need. And yes, I do understand your insistence that return home, but I'm afraid I can not. My stop in Ta'Vaalor was only a bit of sight seeing on my way to the Library Aies, but sister ... if you've lived to watch as a lake freezes solid in mere moments, then stayed as the people struggle to survive, you can not simply leave. I think often of what your brother would have done, and thoughts of him are ever my guidance.

       On that subject, I'm afraid I must beg a favor of you. I have thought about it intensely, and I'm afraid that I will be unable to return for Ignais' Remembrance this year. I expect, and accept, the Malcisong's ire in this, and would gladly carry the burden of their disapproval in person as I have all these years. However, I feel that staying here to help in what ways I can is a larger honor to him, and a better way to repay my debt, than placing flowers and drinking into the wee hours. Please accept and forward my apologies and my love.

Ever your loving sister,



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